If not harmful, belly fat is more than troublesome when choosing clothes, especially those you can’t fit into. Although losing fat from your abdominal area is difficult, there are several workouts you can do to reduce the excess fat in your body and get to the desired shape. Here are some exercises you might want to consider: you can do to reduce excess abdominal fat.
Russian Twist
Russian twists are great calorie burners because they involve all the core muscles. Increasing the intensity and/or adding weights to the exercise helps burn calories. This core exercise is a good workout for the abdomen. It engages all the abdomen muscles. There is more to doing the seated Russian twist than getting a flat stomach or six-pack abs. The exercise works on more than just your abdomen. This can reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack by burning calories and using up stored fat in your tummy area.
Lying Leg Raise
If you ask any personal fitness trainer whether leg raise exercises are performed to improve the flexibility of both your abdomen and hips area, they won’t be wrong. This lets you stretch your muscles to their maximum potential without feeling strained when climbing stairs or performing lunges. They also improve your posture since every leg workout adds support to your midsection. That said, leg raises also lower the risk of back injuries. While every routine appears to focus on the abdominal area, back support is also greatly improved, giving you better posture. When this happens, your back muscles are more equipped to support greater weight, and the strained feeling when you lift objects is no more.
Jack Knife Crunch
If you want to master the crunch, the jackknife position can be completed in several variations, some of which can challenge certain core muscles. The jackknife crunch exercise chiefly targets the abdominal muscles. Other muscles that support and work with the jackknife are activated, including the obliques on the sides of your abdominals, your inner thigh muscles, and your hip flexors that bring your knees toward your chest.
Stationary Bike
If you’re the kind to enjoy indoor cycling, then a stationary bike would be an ideal solution, specifically if you can’t hear humid weather because, for some, it can be hard to muster up the motivation to head outdoors. It might not even be safe to do so. Since it is a low-impact workout that uses smooth movements to strengthen bones and joints, it makes a good workout option for people with joint issues or injuries.